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We are hiring!!

Do you have the skills to manage an established charity of volunteers? We provide accredited, affordable holistic therapies to the local community, and have done for 45 years.

For further information and a full job description please contact the Chair of Trustees, as below or find more information on the website.


Closing date 7.3.2025.

Ideally you will be able to commence work in April 2025.

About the Centre

Established for over 40 years, the Centre is a charity which makes high quality complementary health care available to everyone regardless of income. Appointments can be booked by donation, according to your income, or privately at the usual rates by contacting the therapists directly. 

All or our therapists are fully qualified and insured and they very generously give their time each week to provide affordable therapies.  Our reception is staffed by a team of wonderful volunteers.

Our Therapies

Learn About Our Therapies


What is your rising sign? What about Venus and Mars? If you book a chart reading please leave your date of birth, place and time of birth if you know it.

Clinical Somatics

Somatics is very effective in teaching the muscles and the mind to release tension and is successful in getting rid of pain. Releasing tension can release pain.


A well proven system of natural medicine which uses remedies derived from plants, minerals and other natural substances to stimulate your body's self-healing capacity.

Medical Herbalism and Plant Spirit Medicine

Seeing you as a whole person, unique in your interaction with your environment and circumstances, where possible using herbs grown in the area, as they are simply deeper acting.

Shamanic Healing

A complementary, spirit led, non-invasive process that offers a doorway into healing, transformation and empowerment.

Tui Na

A massage system that is integrated in Chinese Medicine. It provides effective treatment though a range of techniques, manipulations and intentions.

Bach Flower Remedies

Takes the form of a gentle and supportive conversation with a qualified Bach Flower Practitioner.


We offer person a combination of person-centred therapy, counselling, biodynamic psychotherapy, CBT and gestalt therapy.

Indian Head Massage

The experience is deeply calming and relaxing, leaving a feeling of increased energy, concentration and revitalisation.


Detailed yet gentle stimulation of all pressure points. Complete toning and energy boosting for the organs in the body.


Uses energy lines, acupressure, stretches to encourage free flow of energy which is felt as a sense of coming back home to wholeness, creating space and easing of pain.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

A gentle, yet powerful form of wholistic treatment that recognises and assists the connections between body, mind, and emotions

Embodied Awakening

We practice coming home to ourselves by turning our awareness towards our direct moment-to-moment experience and softening into the body.

Life Coaching

Step towards the life you dream possible— manage projects, stress levels, improve decision making & focus, reduce anxiety and stagnation.


Reiki energy goes to where it is needed. It balances, energises, soothes pain and discomfort. It supports the body's natural ability to heal itself.

Swedish Massage

Can reduce muscle related tension and enhance the circulation of both blood and lymph.


Meet our therapists


Workshops & Events

Our calendar is being updated...

SEIKI WEEKEND (MAY25) v6sm.jpg

Your Health Starts Here

Where are we?

Contact Us

01803 864587

Totnes Natural Health Centre, Waterside,

The Plains. Totnes TQ9 5DW

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